Where we dance       https://campbellcampground.com/

                                         Our Location     (google map)


Our Area

Camping & Lodging

Club Members

Register / Pay (fees)

                                                        2025 Summer Weekend Schedule

                                               June 13-15 Gary and Alice Bubel

                                            August 15-17 Betsy and Roy Gotta

                                            October 3-5 Howard Williamson / Lisa Triechler


Southern Tier Wheelers (STW) is a square dance / camping club that like many clubs flourished in the hey day of square dancing.

Today we are reinventing ourselves building on a rich history and leveraging on the mobility available to us in the 21st century.

STW is home based at the Camp Bell campground near Corning in the beautiful  Cohocton river valley. The campground is a privately owned

 family friendly campground with the owners on site who are devoted to making sure everyone has a great time. The dance hall is on the

second floor overlooking a spacious swimming pool that many of us enjoy. The dance floor is large and new.




Our typical weekend includes the familiar festive dance schedule; Friday trail in, Saturday morning workshops, Saturday afternoon main dance

 to accommodate the day trippers followed by an attitude adjustment hour and communal dinner. Both Friday and Saturday evenings

close out with a campfire and a trail out on Sunday morning. The workshops, particularly at  the June dance will be tailored to new dancers

who have completed mainstream.



As previously mentioned we are reinventing ourselves and expanding activities to appeal to a broader population. Much will stay the same but

some things will be added. The area is rich with opportunities to expand weekend into Monday. Each host couple will add their spin so

watch the individual dance listings


  Questions??  Interested??  want more info?? want to be a member??   email: SouthernTierWheelers@gmail.com